Hope is Not a Strategy

DO YOU HAVE HOPE FOR YOUR FUTURE? Indulgent emotions are emotions we tend to wallow in that have no upside whatsoever. Emotions like worry, confusion, overwhelm, and . . . . . HOPE.  When I teach about how these emotions get us nowhere, I get the most push back on...

Ep 102 I’ve Walked the Walk

Newer listeners may not know much about this podcaster!  So this episode is my way to let you know that I have walked the walk.  A little of my own history and how I finally felt that I would be okay in this new season of life.  So join me on this episode and learn...

Ep 97 Money Beliefs That Can Hold You Back

What are all the thoughts and beliefs that we’ve picked up throughout our life about money?  Can these old, old beliefs and “sayings” influence your ability to support yourself now?  Listen in and find out as Joann shares all the insights triggered...

Ep 96 Loneliness is a Feeling, Not a Fact

When you are feeling lonely, it is because something has triggered a memory of that feeling, not because you are in fact, isolated and alone.  Being alone is indeed a fact, but feeling lonely is not a given!  I share today a few thoughts on being alone.  Reach out to...

Life Is Happening FOR You

So this is happening. When I first looked out, big trucks were filling up and blocking the street. Some folks might feel irate over the obstruction and noise. Not me. I smiled to myself and said, “Look at that. They’re all working for ME.” I felt rich beyond measure!...

A Little Piece of You

The song is actually “A Little Piece of Me.” Either way sounds appropriate for where my thoughts have wandered this morning. I wanted to write it all out to my friend, John, but always my brain has the thought that I am probably bothering him with my long missives. I...

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena