So this is happening. When I first looked out, big trucks were filling up and blocking the street. Some folks might feel irate over the obstruction and noise. Not me. I smiled to myself and said, “Look at that. They’re all working for ME.” I felt rich beyond measure! How often do we feel terrible over circumstances in our past? Or think we are having awful things happening in our life? But the truth is, life happens FOR you, not TO you.

When you can look out your window into the world around you and think, “It is all working FOR me,” your life will be rich beyond measure. No matter how dire your circumstances seem, they may be setting you up for something wonderful.

In my case, the commotion out front means I will soon have a lovely new street. Along with it, the front edge of my property is perfectly trimmed along the new road and the very bottom of my driveway which had been cracking and breaking away will be fixed and perfect where the paved drive meets the road.

Jim’s sudden death was one of the worst things to ever happen in my life. But I also know it happened for me. Because that is how life works. How do I know? Because it happened, and here I am. Maybe I cannot yet see all the ways it happened for me, but there are gifts. Already I can find gifts.

Everything that has happened in your life, happened FOR you. ❤️

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena