When is it Okay to Change Your Circumstance?

Reading in a Facebook group that I am a part of with other life coaches, I came across this excellent question . Those of you who have taken my class or are a part of my membership site and learned the model from me, may have asked yourself this as well. So I wanted...

Ep 116 Pushing Down the Pain of Grief

Are you ignoring the pain of loss, pushing it down, telling yourself “I’m okay, I got this?”  This is a definite trend in widowhood.  We think we can just tie on our red cape and push forward.  But all that bottled up emotional pain is going to push right back in ways...

Ep 114 What Will be the Ending of Your Next Chapter?

Let’s talk about stuck in the in-between, what that means and how to move out of the in-between into your next chapter as a widow.  I think the in-between feels like being in the “upside down” like the kids on Stranger Things.  On this episode I...

Ep 113 Lists You Want to Make

As a widow, we are confronted with mind-boggling lists about what to do, what not to do, and what we need.  Death certificates, bank accounts, bills, insurance papers.  You are in shock, you are in a fog, or even if it has been years, these lists just make your...

Ep 112 Widow Money Mind Drama

WIDOWS AND MONEY DRAMA. Many widows are suffering from the beliefs we were raised with about money; but they don’t even feel like beliefs – it just feels like “not enough.”  Today’s episode explains how money can be easier, without all...

Hope is Not a Strategy

DO YOU HAVE HOPE FOR YOUR FUTURE? Indulgent emotions are emotions we tend to wallow in that have no upside whatsoever. Emotions like worry, confusion, overwhelm, and . . . . . HOPE.  When I teach about how these emotions get us nowhere, I get the most push back on...

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena