Ep 96 Loneliness is a Feeling, Not a Fact

When you are feeling lonely, it is because something has triggered a memory of that feeling, not because you are in fact, isolated and alone.  Being alone is indeed a fact, but feeling lonely is not a given!  I share today a few thoughts on being alone.  Reach out to...

Ep 95 Do Not Ignore Broken Heart Syndrome

Yes, Broken Heart Syndrome is a real medical issue.  I’m sharing with you my experience of it and what I’ve learned.  Today you will also hear about a lot of value I’m going to be sending your way over the next few months!  Starting on Aug. 13, 2018...

Ep 93 Avoiding Feeling Badly

There is power in negative emotions and learning how to actually allow them.  Today I am sharing how the contrast between feeling negative emotions and positive emotions is what gives our life richness.  Learn how to allow and yes, feel your negative emotions so that...

Life Is Happening FOR You

So this is happening. When I first looked out, big trucks were filling up and blocking the street. Some folks might feel irate over the obstruction and noise. Not me. I smiled to myself and said, “Look at that. They’re all working for ME.” I felt rich beyond measure!...

Ep 92 Becoming Thought Blind

Over time you become so used to something being there, you no longer see it.  A box in the corner of the room, a scuff at the bottom of the door.  We do the same with the thoughts we are thinking.  What is wrong with not being aware of what we are telling ourselves? ...

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena