The Desire To Overeat: Retrain Your Brain Part 2

Have you seen people who will always leave a bite or two of food on their plate? I learned to do this to break away from the notion that I have to “clean my plate.” I no longer feel I have to do this all the time, but I do often still leave a little food on my plate...

The Desire To Overeat: Retrain Your Brain Part 1

Why do you want to get control of your eating and stop the desire to overeat? Of course there is the whole body image thing, but there is also an element of feeling out of control. You do not like the feeling that you cannot stop myself – the DESIRE to go eat...

Do You Pass Up The Beach Because of Your Weight?

Can’t do a beach day with the girls because you’re going to be so embarrassed stuffed into a granny one-piece with wobbly thighs hanging out? Have you ever passed up an event because you didn’t want to be “seen?” How about passing up an event because you’ve been...

How to Find Your Meta-Skill For Weight Loss

What is a meta-skill? There were numerous definitions when I Googled this. After reading bunches of views and interpretations, here is how I see it. A meta-skill is like a master skill that you apply to other skills you have. Say you are skilled at creating graphics...

Weight Loss After 55 and After 60?

For many of us, life gets better—easier, even—as we get older. We get more comfortable and confident in our own skin. But we may still be facing the same weight loss, yo-yo dieting struggle we’ve dealt with our entire life. All those years we wasted taking a pass on...

Which Weight Loss Program Is The Most Successful?

Do you wish you could know for sure which weight loss program is the most successful? How about not one %100 of the time. Not even one 10% of the time, and maybe not any more than 5% of the time. Failure rates are most often quoted as 95% at the lowest. Real studies...

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena