Time Travel into the future? For me, my interest and studies into how our minds and our universe work go hand in hand. Hence, fascination with the brain, life coaching, and psychology along with my lifelong passion for physics.
Brian Cox, professor of particle physics at the University of Manchester, says time travel into the future is already proven. He is one of my favorites to listen to. If you have interest in physics, search Brian Cox on YouTube and listen to a few of his lectures. Also check out the article on time travel linked below.
Truth is, I feel I mentally time travel into the future daily as I am always in touch with what I am trying to create in my life and tap into the wisdom of my future self who has already accomplished it for advice. Sound crazy? It’s not!
Most of us are going about our daily living in a sort of “default mode.” We are just doing our daily living, repeating the patterns and routines we always do.
We get so busy with “day to day” life that we forget to even stop and explore the notion of what it is we want in the greater picture of life.
This week I send out a note to my email list and had over 300 responses in email. I asked each responder, “What do you need most in your life right now.” Most of them were totally thrown by that question.
We just do not take a moment – take a breath out during our day to consider if anything and everything were possible in our lives, what do we want?
I help and empower widows to discover what they want, and then show them how to travel to the future to discover what it is they need to do to get there.
Does that sound like hokus pokus – like some bizarre secret to the universe? It is for sure the secret to living an amazing life and reaching new potential.
According to my particle physics mentor, Brian Cox, it is not hokus pokus at all. That is why I adore tying physics together with psychology. It is all part of how we travel through our lives!
Want to time travel? Are you a widow who wants to become empowered and set the course for your life? I can totally get you there. Email me at joann@joannthelifecoach.com