Indulgent emotions are emotions we tend to wallow in that have no upside whatsoever. Emotions like worry, confusion, overwhelm, and . . . . . HOPE. When I teach about how these emotions get us nowhere, I get the most push back on hope.
We WANT to hope.
Hoping makes us feel better.
So how can that be wrong?
You want to take hope AWAY from us?
Listen, as powerful as “hope” can be to get you through a day… it is not and never will be a strategy. It means you are languishing, waiting for something to change. But that is not how change happens. That is not how you get yourself back on your feet. You have to be able to take action.
Astonishingly enough, as I watched Survivor last night, I watched Gabby struggling in her tribe. Meek and scared, she was cowering. She was trying to connect with someone who could protect her. Then she had the “aha moment.” She said, “I realized that hope is not a strategy.”
Okay, “Hope is not a strategy” did not start with Gabby. Rick Page wrote the book on it 15 years ago. He was talking about sales. But this also applies to your LIFE.
When she said it with her back straighter and a glint in her eyes that indicated she was finally going to stand on her own two feet, I sat up in my chair. She got it. This girl now has a chance of actually winning Survivor instead of getting voted off at the next tribal council.
So have you been “hoping” for something? How long are you going to sit around hoping? Get up out of the sand on your deserted island. As Rachel Hollis says, “Girl, go wash your face.”