
We all need a compelling “why” before we can move forward.  Why are you here reading this? Why do you want to stop the overeating for good? Why do you want to lose ___ pounds? These are the most important questions you can ask yourself! Without a good strong “why,” you are not going to stick with it.   If you do not have a why that really tugs at your heart and excites you, then it is time to start to digging in your heart and soul to see what really lives there.

If you just kind of, sort of want to drop some pounds; the first encounter with something particularly yummy or a stressful situation driving you to a carb fest is going to win out.   There are two kinds of motivation.   The first is “away from” motivation.   It is the thought that you never want to glance in a store window again and see that overweight stranger looking back at you.   Or not ever wanting to have to shop in the “special store” again.   You are wanting to get away from something.   That motivation is a good start, but it is not going to carry you through to the end.   As soon as you begin to see the changes in your body or can fit into something off a regular clothes rack, your brain says, “done,” even if you still want to get fitter.

That’s why you need the second kind of motivation: “Towards.” This is something you are wanting to move TO, not away from.   Maybe you want to be able to run a half marathon.   Or you want to be able to move around your garden, up and down, without strain.   Maybe you want to have sex with the lights on.   Seriously!

Find that compelling why for yourself.   You can have both an away from and a towards goal. Then write it on 3 x 5 cards to put up where you can see them, or even slip in your wallet so you face your compelling why every time you open it.   Make it your computer background.   With a compelling why, you can succeed.


©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena