Ep 97 Money Beliefs That Can Hold You Back

What are all the thoughts and beliefs that we’ve picked up throughout our life about money?  Can these old, old beliefs and “sayings” influence your ability to support yourself now?  Listen in and find out as Joann shares all the insights triggered...

Ep 96 Loneliness is a Feeling, Not a Fact

When you are feeling lonely, it is because something has triggered a memory of that feeling, not because you are in fact, isolated and alone.  Being alone is indeed a fact, but feeling lonely is not a given!  I share today a few thoughts on being alone.  Reach out to...

Ep 93 Avoiding Feeling Badly

There is power in negative emotions and learning how to actually allow them.  Today I am sharing how the contrast between feeling negative emotions and positive emotions is what gives our life richness.  Learn how to allow and yes, feel your negative emotions so that...

Ep 90 Buffering Your Pain

Sharing my incredible experience of coaches mastermind in Dallas and my own journey to this point, along with talking about “buffering.”  Buffering is why we overeat, overdrink, overshop, or anything that we do to “check out” on our life...

Ep 89 Making Decisions

Learn to make effective, powerful decisions.  Have you found it difficult to make decisions, even simple decisions, since becoming widowed?  Welcome to decision fatigue.  Yes, that is a thing and it is real.  On this episode, we are going to explore exactly what is...

Ep 88 Finding Your Determination

How do you move forward, learn to feel better and create a new life?  Determination.  Sometimes a bit of a chip on the shoulder is not a bad thing!  On this episode, I get really transparent and vulnerable about exactly how I felt when I decided to walk out of the...

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena