The Weight Loss Mindset

Last week I delivered my first in-person seminar, The Weight Loss Mindset, locally in the Hudson Valley. Yes, I was nervous in the weeks leading up to this, that is until I created the presentation tablet covering the bullet points for seminar/workshop. When I was all...

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Cheating on your “diet” or just cheating on the healthy eating patterns you want to maintain? What are you thinking? Seriously – what are you thinking? When you are pulled by that urge and head to the kitchen, what was in your head? Whenever you eat anything,...

Emotional Hunger

One more piece to the overeating puzzle: The Emotional Hunger Scale.  In my last couple of blog entries, I’ve discussed the physical hunger scale and keeping a Super Powerful Eating Journal.  So if you’ve been using those tools, you’re beginning to...

A New Kind of Food Journal

Have you noted your food in a journal, counting calories or counting points until you want to stick pins in your eyes? Me too.  My inner rebel eventually emerges and silently screams, “I don’t want to add up all those numbers anymore!”  But it is, nevertheless, an...

The Ultimate Hunger Scale

Have you ever encountered a “hunger scale” before? I had seen it before, but never really understood the full use for this until last year.  What I’ve learned about the hunger scale in the past year has been revolutionary.  This can change your entire relationship to...

What Is Your Sure-Fire Diet Plan?

Would you like to know the magic list of foods that will help you drop weight like crazy? Me too.  But something I’ve learned over the years is that there is no one-size fits all list of foods to eat.  Recently I posted the link to an article in The Washington Post...

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena