Ep 81 Widow Coaches Class Lesson 6 Future Focus

Are you mostly focused on the past, the present or the future?  Where your thoughts are focusing can hugely affect how you feel about your life.  Continuing with the widow coaches class series to share bits of what is learned in certification as a widow coach we are...

Ep 77 Reverse Engineer Your Life

When you become widowed, your entire life is up in the air.  It is like widowhood has erased all your future plans.  Grief envelopes you and it takes some time before you can start to focus on the world around you again.  But when you are ready, how do you figure out...

Ep 75 The Widow Coaches Class Lesson 1

Becoming a certified life coach changed my life and I want to share that with all of you.  The next 12 episodes of Widow Cast will be about just that.  The lessons shared in The Widow Coaches Class.  It is work that can help you work through this and find you again. ...

Ep 72 Processing Your Feelings

Welcome to something a little different for this episode about how to process all the emotions you are experiencing when you lose your spouse.  This podcast was broadcast live as video on YouTube on my new channel there:  Joann The Life Coach TV.  If you want to check...

EP 71 Finding Your Path of Passion

Find your passion and what you are truly good at, and begin doing THAT as your life path.  I share how life coaching had been a focus of my entire life and what I studied from a young age.  It is in my very DNA.  Coach others based on what you have experienced and...

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena