by Joann Filomena | Nov 5, 2015 |
When I was out in California at The Life Coach School, one of our practical assignments was to buy a treat – something we really love and rarely allow – to bring back to class after lunch. For me, I decided this had to be pizza. Not normally something I would buy...
by Joann Filomena | Oct 5, 2015 |
Recently I was out in California for The Life Coach School, which was an incredible experience. While we attendees were coaching each other, my mom’s weight came up. She was nearly 400 pounds. When I was small, early elementary school, I became so ashamed that I...
by Joann Filomena | Sep 3, 2015 |
Okay, I am rethinking my entire website and blog again. So the next time you visit, it could all change. Not that I’m one of those indecisive creatures who go into great dramatics over which flavor of ice cream they want on their cone. Well, maybe sometimes. No, don’t...
by Joann Filomena | Aug 24, 2015 |
It took decades to unlock the keys to permanent weight loss. It started in my 30’s. No wait, it actually started in fifth grade. Yes, you read that right. My little friend and I decided we were “fat.” She told me that her mother would...