How DO Feelings Feel?

It is so surprising how dumbed down we all seem to be about feeling – really feeling. Perhaps it is the amazing pace the world operates at today that does not leave time to even acknowledge the feelings that move through us.  Most of the time, with rare exception,...

The Disappointment Cycle

Do you find yourself searching from one snack to the next, but you cannot find the one that is going to “do it” for you?  What are you really searching for?  What is driving you to eat a cookie, grab a handful of nuts, get a piece of cheese, try the ice cream . . . ....

Self Doubt – When It’s All About Me!

Self doubt is a real confidence builder, isn’t it?  Almost always, when self-doubt rears its ugly head, it is a response to something someone else said about us and what we make their statement mean. Confused?  Okay, here is an example.  You go out to dinner with...

Thinking a Better Thought

Thinking a better thought . . . . I have long thought, “how am I ever going to create a retirement income?” That thought began to stretch and grow to thinking perhaps I deserved a “fabulous retirement income,” and I wondered, “how can I...

She Decided to be Happy

My dearest friend came across a packet of postcards and decided to gift me with them. They are amazing art – each with a lady dancing or in a yoga pose with a saying.  One card says “One day she woke up and decided to color outside of the lines.”  Another says, “One...

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena