Are You Eating For Comfort?

Are you constantly eating for comfort? There is a connection to this that is exactly the connection I had when I quit smoking the last time (I had quit once before). The first time I quit smoking was horrible, like kicking heroine. Seriously. The last time I quit was...

Joann’s Kale Salad Recipe

My kale salad recipe was requested at my live seminar, so I thought I would share it here as well. The topic of eating foods just because you think they are “diet” food was discussed and someone brought up kale. There was a group groan. But then I sheepishly shared...

The Weight Loss Mindset

Last week I delivered my first in-person seminar, The Weight Loss Mindset, locally in the Hudson Valley. Yes, I was nervous in the weeks leading up to this, that is until I created the presentation tablet covering the bullet points for seminar/workshop. When I was all...

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Cheating on your “diet” or just cheating on the healthy eating patterns you want to maintain? What are you thinking? Seriously – what are you thinking? When you are pulled by that urge and head to the kitchen, what was in your head? Whenever you eat anything,...

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena