Get on Your Death Bed

Widows, don’t run away!  “Get on your death bed” will make total sense if you join me in listening to this episode.  It is the practice that I think everyone should apply to constantly stay motivated in their life.  It is what some very very...

Feeling Jealous of Other Widows

Have you ever encountered another widow who was left “better off” than you were?  How did you feel about that?  What do you think when you read another widow who is thriving in life after her loss?  Are you envious?  A little jealous?  I saw this come up...

Ep 152 You Don’t Have to Panic to be Smart

As widows, most of us are on our own without family nearby or older children at home to step in and help.  So it makes sense that we are always prepared to take care of ourselves – now more than ever.  How do you manage the uncertainty and fear around this...

Ep 151 Holmes Stress Scale & Worksheet

This is the free download offered in the book, Widowed. HOLMES STRESS POINT SCALE FROM THE BOOK, “WIDOWED” FREE DOWNLOAD. CLICK BUTTON BELOWDownload Joann Filomena’s Widowed is not only a shared journey through loss, but also a roadmap for rebuilding a...

Ep 150 Anticipation and The Body Response

How anticipation, good or bad, can affect your physiology and well being. If you are widowed, be sure to check out my books on Amazon and find me on Facebook. Email:  Website: Book links:...

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena