by Joann Filomena | Sep 6, 2018 |
What are all the thoughts and beliefs that we’ve picked up throughout our life about money? Can these old, old beliefs and “sayings” influence your ability to support yourself now? Listen in and find out as Joann shares all the insights triggered...
by Joann Filomena | Sep 1, 2018 |
Something most people don’t know about me. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 20 years ago. Yes, at that time it was in full flare and I could barely even function. Hanging onto the walls of my city condo to try and walk from the bedroom into the bathroom...
by Joann Filomena | Aug 31, 2018 |
When you are feeling lonely, it is because something has triggered a memory of that feeling, not because you are in fact, isolated and alone. Being alone is indeed a fact, but feeling lonely is not a given! I share today a few thoughts on being alone. Reach out to...
by Joann Filomena | Aug 9, 2018 |
Yes, Broken Heart Syndrome is a real medical issue. I’m sharing with you my experience of it and what I’ve learned. Today you will also hear about a lot of value I’m going to be sending your way over the next few months! Starting on Aug. 13, 2018...
by Joann Filomena | Aug 3, 2018 |
Another special interview episode, this time with Tina Murphy of Widows Wallet. Tina took The Widow Coaches Class and became a certified widow coach with a special zone of genius around all things financial. I’m thrilled to share her with you today. If you...