BeliefYour belief system is creating your life and creating your body. I hear women say things like, “I feel fat today.” But we all know that fat is not a feeling. This is a thought she is thinking – a belief she has about herself that day. She feels fat. What kind of programming is that putting in her super computer of a mind? What result is that going to have on her eating and her day? If you are guessing that she will eat mindlessly, maybe even reaching for a goody in attempt to feel better momentarily, you are right. Will she end the day as fat as she “felt” that morning? Yep.

But what if she recognized feeling fat as a thought she was having, and even better, as a thought that was not going to serve her to focus on? Why, this changes everything. Because now maybe she reaches in her closet for a favorite outfit that she knows she looks great in, instead of throwing on any old thing because “I feel fat” is her thought. Already she is standing up a little straighter – taking an extra moment with her lipstick. If this sounds silly, it is not – I assure you. Just acknowledge what you are thinking and if it is something you want to think. It can begin to turn your entire attitude around.

So lunch comes and she takes the time to go get a nice lunch – she looks so fab in that favorite outfit after all. Her food choices end up being so much better than if she went through her morning continuing to think she felt fat, wearing whatever she grab that morning, and working head down all more at the office instead of smiling.

Perhaps you find yourself thinking “I feel fat” and when you look at it and dismiss it as ridiculous; other silly thoughts come popping in. It can happen. This is why it is a “belief system.” There is a whole network of thoughts and beliefs supporting that system. So you begin to unravel them, one at a time. The thought that you will always be overweight because your family was overweight. The idea that you are weak and don’t have enough willpower to drop weight. Maybe you believe you don’t deserve success because someone at one point in your life said, “You can’t do that – you’ll never be able to be that.” Whoooaaa! Yeah. Imagine all those thoughts conspiring in one unified system that is keeping you from dropping extra weight.

Don’t be daunted at the enormity of the possible thoughts holding you back. The best way to start working through this is to act “as if.” If you believed you would never struggle with your weight again, how different that would be for you. Suddenly you are in a place of real power, knowing you can lose whatever weight you want because it won’t be a struggle. If the scale shows you back up a couple of pounds one morning, you wouldn’t panic or beat yourself up. Instead you would be confident that you could just drop those right back down again because weight is not a struggle for you.

Think about it. Everything you’ve achieved in your life – you believed you could. Right? If you don’t first believe it is doable, you cannot accomplish it. Act like you would if you believed you could – then find you are really beginning to believe you could – and then you will see it come to pass in your life. Believe it and you will see it. If you want to learn more about your own thoughts and beliefs, you can have a free 30-minute mini-session with me just by clicking the link below. Let’s take a look at one of your thoughts and get you feeling better right away! Just click the link below and it will take you to my calendar where you can schedule a day and time.

Let’s Do This >>

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena