About Widow Coaching
I became a certified, professional life coach after Jim suddenly died. It was the best decision of my life. Through learning to be a life coach, I learned to coach myself. That alone was amazing. But the feeling of being able to focus on work that is making a contribution
All my life, I had worked a capital J-O-B. It was okay – I did enjoy my work and I didn’t need huge rewards from my job. So much of my life was all about the time spent with Jim and what we explored and learned together. But when Jim passed away, I was left with just a job. I needed more. I needed growth and the feeling that I could make a difference in the world.
Perhaps That Is Where You Are Right Now – Wanting More From Life.
With eyes wide open after losing your spouse and suddenly seeing the world for the treasure it really is, you want to make a contribution. You know there is not a second to waste in life.

Dear widow, how deeply we truly know this after losing our beloved. This knowledge, this new outlook on the world is what makes us fierce warrior goddesses.
Now it is up to you how you proceed, if you proceed at all. You can sit in the fire and continue to wonder who you are now. “What do I do now?” we often think. Or you make a choice to begin discovering who you truly are, and even begin to reach for who you can truly become.