Girl Wondering What Weight Loss Program WorksDo you wish you could know for sure which weight loss program is the most successful? How about not one %100 of the time. Not even one 10% of the time, and maybe not any more than 5% of the time. Failure rates are most often quoted as 95% at the lowest. Real studies often show the failure rate even higher. Why? They are goal focused. Lists of foods all aimed at treating your symptoms of weight gain, instead of diagnosing the cause of your weight gain.

So the weight loss program that is going to be the most successful is the one that works for YOU and tackles the cause of overeating. Sure you can buckle up the willpower belt, pull in all your self determination, and begin your own starvation experiment with 1200 calories a day or a set number of points or servings or whatever we are counting at the moment. But this is not addressing why you are feeling the urges to overeat. That means you are having to work against those urges, in a battle with yourself. That battle will eventually crumble and collapse into old habits is inevitable.

Add in exercise? Exercise has tremendous benefits, even to your brain and stress levels. But exercise solely as weight control? Not a good idea. You cannot hit the gym and burn off that package of Oreos you crunched through in your frustrations last night. If you try, you are risking physical injury. Or at best, stressing your body with exercise so much it releases cortisol hormone into your system, which will pack on belly fat.

So what are the answers – the REAL answers? That is exactly what I went in search of when I finally admitted to myself that all the trips to Weight Watcher meetings and the crazy, working out until my knees broke were not accomplishing anything but a lot of anguish and four different dress sizes in my closet.

It was when I finally stopped wanting to believe that miracle weight loss could happen like on The Biggest Loser that I started to get real answers. The answers did not come from a medical doctor (my family doctor just kept telling me to go to various diet programs and to try running). The answers did not come from a TV ad or even from the stacks and stacks of diet books on my shelves. The answers came from personal experience and life coaching.

Coaching gave me an entirely new perspective on my own thoughts and my own actions. At times it was uncomfortable to be coached – it was making me look at the reality of my own mind. But then the breakthrough came and I began to understand the connection between old thoughts and how I reacted. My own reactions to how those thoughts always made me feel were self defeating and keeping the excess weight on me.

The work was not overnight and it continues to this day, but it is so much easier than the old pattern of white knuckling it through salmon and salads, exercising like a woman possessed, and then crashing and having to pull out the higher pant sizes from storage for the millionth time.

Do you want a glimmer into what works? I’m doing 100 free transformations over 60 days. In just a short phone call, you can experience weight coaching. We will identify one issue in your life – something that is bothering you right now, and make you feel better right on that one phone call. Real results. I’ll tell you about my coaching packages if you are a good fit to coach with me.

We will get you RESULTS right on that call. It’ll be actionable advice you can take away with you and apply to your life right away. Yes, transformation in less than 30 minutes. You could also win a $100 Amazon gift card!

Sign up and get entered in a drawing for a $100 Amazon gift card that will be given away on Weight Coach podcast June 21, 2016 and another $100 Amazon gift card will be given away in a drawing on July 21, 2016 on Widow Cast podcast.

So what are you waiting for? Jump to and select a day and time for your free mini session. I would love to talk to you and see if you are a good fit for coaching with me.

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©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena