
Thinking a better thought . . . . I have long thought, “how am I ever going to create a retirement income?” That thought began to stretch and grow to thinking perhaps I deserved a “fabulous retirement income,” and I wondered, “how can I create a fabulous retirement income?” But then the thought shifted again. It shifted and morphed to something I can believe in and be truly excited about it. The thought became, “How can I create a fabulous retirement?”

My finances have not changed. Yet, the idea of having to find a way to create income for retirement somehow gave way to my true longing. The truth of my longing is to have a fabulous retirement. And with that shift in thought, a thousand possibilities stretch out before me. Do you see how limiting that first thought was? That thought made me feel like a pauper! It sent me scrambling through my brain with worries about money. It felt desperate.

But this new, bright shiny thought excites me to no end. It feels like excitement and joy. It gives me the opportunity to begin thinking about how my retirement years should look. It opens a road ahead of me where I can see all the things I’ve always wanted to try, but thought I didn’t have time for. It opens up all possibilities and choices are unlimited. This is the power of finding a better thought.

So if you are thinking thoughts about your weight like, “I am meant to be heavy – it’s genetic,” “I am going to have to struggle my whole life with this,” or “I have to starve off the pounds;” it is definitely time for a better thought!  Can you find a better thought – one that you believe?  Let’s chat about it in the comments below!



©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena