
My dearest friend came across a packet of postcards and decided to gift me with them. They are amazing art – each with a lady dancing or in a yoga pose with a saying.  One card says “One day she woke up and decided to color outside of the lines.”  Another says, “One day she opened her mind to new possibilities,” and another, “One day she knew she must follow her heart.”   But my very favorite postcard sits beside me; “One day she woke up and decided to be happy.”

That is what I am shooting for every damn day. I sit up in my bed, grateful to be on planet earth another day.  I clasp my hands together and say out loud, “Thank you for another day;” and I think, “I have an awesome day waiting for me that I get to live through.”  I want to shout, “Hey Universe – I’m Here!!”  Sure, my stupid tooth may be aching and my knees might not be looking forward to having to mobilize down a flight of stairs.  But what the hell, I walk over to my window and push up the shade to look out on the world and decide to be happy.  I decide to be present in the day.  I decide to show up as authentically me as I can.  I decide to just live my truth, wherever that takes me.  It is an awesome feeling.  Then there on the wall over my bed are all four dancing ladies, all deciding to . . . . . . .    I love them.

So greet everyday with gratitude and decide to be happy. Open your mind to new possibilities, color outside the lines and follow your heart.  This sets the entire tone for kind of day you are choosing to have.  It is all your decision to make.

Off to dance the dance!

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena