imageBack in California for the holiday – really wanting to say, “hey, we need to drive a couple of hours north of here – – – there is a patio table I need to visit.” I went to El Dorado Hills, California and spent a bundle of my savings because I wanted to become certified as a life coach. Man, I learned so much more. All day was in class. When class was over at 5 p.m. each day, the patio table outside the conference room became our “hang spot.” We would sit out in the warm evening air with glasses of wine and talk about what we learned that day, and coach each other and be coached. The next 3 months transformed me. At the end of last year, I thought I had lost everything. I never expected that by the end of this year I would feel I gained everything. This is what I want to share with others – this transformation. It is an amazing jump into growth, excitement, and fulfillment. January is the time for QUANTUM DECISION!

QUANTUM DECISION is when the hammer drops. Bam. You are not thinking about a life change. You are not planning how you will make a life change. You just think, ‘I’m making this change NOW.” There is not another minute you want to continue in your status quo. It happens in an INSTANT. You just drop the hammer and go from zero to 60. That is how life turns on a dime. Change is IMMEDIATE. Do you drop 30 lbs in that instant? No, of course not. But do you become the person that those 30 lbs will not continue to hang onto? YES. In that immediate moment, those extra pounds begin to melt. In that immediate moment, your fitness and physiology begins to change. There is no going back.

There have been several times in my past I’ve made quantum decision. I bet if you examine your own life, you can identify at least once in your life that you did just that. When I quit smoking for the last time, I decided in an instant. The first time in my life I quit smoking, it was an excruciating decision and an even more excruciating process. It was horrible. I checked in recently with my daughter, and she assured me it was just that horrible. I did quit back then, gained a huge amount of weight doing so, and ended up smoking again a few years later. I smoked for another decade, until about twelve years ago I decided that I was fed up with it. The hammer just dropped on smoking – I was done. I went from addicted smoker to nonsmoker in a nanosecond with no looking back, and very little actual withdrawal or trouble quitting. Since that moment there has been absolutely no urge to go back to it.

So you can “should” yourself into a decision – I really should drop a few pounds, I really should go exercise, I really should eat healthier, I should, I should, I should. Yes, you can arrive at a decision this way, but are you going to hold onto that and not backslide? Not very likely. Instead, you can just decide. No, let me make that – you can just DECIDE!!! If you cannot find that inner hammer, find yourself a coach – if not me, any coach! Get fired up and drop that hammer.

This new year glimmering on our horizon is the year I want to reach out and spread this kind of change. My goal is to set lives on fire – help people find their passion and hit personal goals. Financial, physical, mental. Whatever in life needs to be fired up.

2016 is right on the horizon. What kind of year do you want it to be?

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena