
Do you need yet another program telling you “eat this, not that?”  I see thousands of weight loss programs and workshops out there focused on nutrition and how to eat. But the truth is, you already know what to eat.  My first Weight Watchers leader, Claudine, was really a Weight Watchers rebel.  She was so completely fantastic and inspirational; her meetings would fill to standing room only.  With her numbers and success, Weight Watchers stayed pretty hands off of telling her what she had to teach.  The meeting that was supposed to be about nutrition in all WW meetings across the country that week, Claudine opened by asking, “Is there anyone in here that does not know what I mean if I say, “eat right?”  No?  Good.  Now we can talk about what I want to talk about.”

The truth about “eating right” is: If you don’t already know, no one else can really tell you.  Your body is going to be the best judge of what is working for you.  If you sit down to list the foods that are your “fuel” – not your fun, party-in-my-mouth foods, but the foods that feel good in your body and keep you going to the next meal, you will find a list just jumps right out.  For me, it was a lot of good protein foods (chicken, eggs, ground turkey, steak), lots of various vegetables, fats like olive oil and avocado, and a few carbs like oatmeal, whole grain, the occasional potato.   I know that these work well in my body and if I stick with those, I drop weight and feel great.

You can still have an occasional fun food in there – we all need that bit of pleasure eating.  But start paying attention to what your fuel foods are.  What you eating that feels “clean” in your body and keeps you well satisfied until the next meal.  Make a list and start noticing the amazing wisdom your body already has.  Tell me in the comments below what your top fuel foods are.  We can all learn from each other!

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena