Is Overeating A Food Addiction?

Because you cannot reign in your desire to overeat, do you chalk it up to “food addiction?” There are studies that seemingly point to food addiction because eating “turns on” the pleasure center in the brain. But the fact is, there are many things that turn on the...

6 Ways Thinner Thoughts Can Create a Thinner You!

What you believe about your weight and your body creates the thoughts you think.  All your thoughts about it become your belief system, and that is what drives your actions. Your belief system is creating your life, just as surely as gravity holds you to the planet...

Are You Eating For Comfort?

Are you constantly eating for comfort? There is a connection to this that is exactly the connection I had when I quit smoking the last time (I had quit once before). The first time I quit smoking was horrible, like kicking heroine. Seriously. The last time I quit was...

The Weight Loss Mindset

Last week I delivered my first in-person seminar, The Weight Loss Mindset, locally in the Hudson Valley. Yes, I was nervous in the weeks leading up to this, that is until I created the presentation tablet covering the bullet points for seminar/workshop. When I was all...

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Cheating on your “diet” or just cheating on the healthy eating patterns you want to maintain? What are you thinking? Seriously – what are you thinking? When you are pulled by that urge and head to the kitchen, what was in your head? Whenever you eat anything,...

Emotional Hunger

One more piece to the overeating puzzle: The Emotional Hunger Scale.  In my last couple of blog entries, I’ve discussed the physical hunger scale and keeping a Super Powerful Eating Journal.  So if you’ve been using those tools, you’re beginning to...

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena