You Are So Beautiful To Me

Dear Jim, Finally this morning I could go back to the video link you emailed to me 2 days before you died.  Subject line was “To my Joann” and the link was Joe Cocker singing “You are so beautiful.”  Talk about a parting gift.  On Xmas day, you sent a link to all your...

Almost Two Weeks

Dear Jim, It has been nearly 2 weeks since you died.  I am not even sure how that many days can have already gone past.  We talked about this day.  With your being 16 years older, it was understood between us that you would most likely be the first to pass and I would...

Where is YOUR Excalibur?

Not long ago I came across a fascinating article.  It immediately captured my imagination. A little girl pulled a sword out of the lake believed to be the lake that holds King Arthur’s sword. How fantastic is THAT! King Arthur received Excalibur from The Lady of...

Getting Vulnerable About Weight Loss

“And in hindsight now, I know how much of my life I wasted on this obsession. How much of my energy was wasted on hating myself – hating my body – and blaming myself for failure after failure.”   What do I have to offer that a zillion...

When YOU Cross The Line: Boundaries Part 2

The truth is if someone throws down a boundary like a slap in the face, they are lashing out of their emotions. You can present a boundary without making it be your weapon. If you feel like you *need* to present it in advance to let the other person know you have a...

When Others Cross The Line: Boundaries Part 1

Personal boundaries are the physical, emotional and mental limits we establish to protect ourselves from being manipulated, used, or violated by others. They allow us to separate who we are, and what we think and feel, from the thoughts and feelings of others....

©2018 Joann Filomena

©2018 Joann Filomena